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Miners Alley Playhouse Announces Contract to Purchase Meyer Hardware Building

BREAKING NEWS! Miners Alley Playhouse Announces Contract to Purchase Meyer Hardware Building


Golden, CO – Miners Alley Playhouse has entered into a contract to purchase the Meyer Hardware building in downtown Golden for the creation of the Miners Alley Performing Arts Center.

“Our vision embraces the history of this building, creating within it a vibrant public space where arts, heritage and community thrive,” said Len Matheo, Executive/Artistic Director of the playhouse. “We didn’t want to see someone tear down the building and develop condos or a big box store on that lot. Instead, our team saw a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow one beloved Golden organization at the site of another iconic business.”

Conceived with the express purpose of increasing arts access and engagement in Golden, the building itself will become home to the lively productions and classes of Miners Alley Playhouse, with flexible spaces dedicated to arts events and programing of all kinds.  A true community space, the Miners Alley Performing Arts Center will be a warm, welcoming place with something for everyone.

Matheo was quick to point out that some things will not be changing: “The building will allow for more opportunities, but it’s important to us to retain the intimate community feel our patrons have experienced at Miners Alley since it opened its doors in Golden in 2003.”

“We are grateful to the Schaefer family for selecting us to carry on their legacy of excellence and community support,” said Lisa DeCaro, president of the Miners Alley Playhouse board of directors.  “Though we were all sad to see Meyer Hardware close, we’re excited at the prospect of becoming a catalyst for a whole new era of community and connection,” she said.

This purchase reflects the hard work of a dedicated local coalition which includes On Tap Credit Union, the Golden Downtown Development Authority, The Golden Civic Foundation, Stone Strategy Design, and the neighboring businesses surrounding the building. This was truly a community effort, and we can’t thank our partners enough,” said DeCaro. “The support and encouragement has been overwhelming!”

At its annual fundraiser on November 12, the playhouse will kick off a fundraising campaign for buildout of the space.  The goal is to create an interim theatre space in the building as soon as possible, while designing and renovating the larger space into a full performing arts center, with a capital campaign to follow.

Miners Alley Playhouse is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 1993 by Rick Bernstein & Paige Larson, as The Morrison Theatre Company. Bernstein & Larson moved the Playhouse to downtown Golden in 2003, at the corner of 13th St. and Miners Alley (hence the name change to Miners Alley Playhouse). The move to this new performing arts center reflects the value this theater company has been bringing to the Golden area for nearly 30 years.

The building is located at 1103 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO 80401. For additional information, please contact Len Matheo at 303-915-8888, or at len@minersalley.com.
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